12 Kitchen Design Trends Going Away In 2023 (2024)

A beautifully designed kitchen is essential for several reasons. Primarily, it is the space where we spend the most amount of time with family, cooking, eating, or even working. It's also important to keep in mind that the right kitchen can add to the resale value of a home.

While all-white and farmhouse-style kitchens have been popular for almost too many years now (blame the pandemic or supply chains for this one), homeowners, designers, and developers are finally starting to see kitchen styles evolve. Elements that were once “must haves” have become “no mores.” Here are twelve kitchen design trends going away in 2023, according to experts and interior designers.

All-White Kitchens

Los Angles real estate broker Lori Levine Harris of Brock and Lori tells me, “All white everything is on its way out. For the past decade, we’ve been seeing white walls, white tile, and Carrera marble. People are tired of these muted palettes, and designers are bringing in color— which we love.”

Most designers also agree that white-on-white kitchens will look dated in 2023. So what color will be the new white? There isn’t just one answer here. Alice Arterberry and Barrett Cooke of Arterberry Cooke believe the newest kitchens will have two or three contrasting, complementary shades. “Monochromatic kitchens lack depth and visual interest. Complementary hues in a kitchen can elevate the area while still being timeless.”

Interior designer Kirsten Blazek of a1000xBetter sees dark wood cabinetry making a comeback. “For many years now white oak cabinets were dominating kitchen design but I think that era is ending and we are going to start seeing more saturated palettes in kitchen design. The correct darker brown cabinet is timeless and can be mixed with so many other fantastic finishes.”

Open Kitchens

Open floor plans and particularly open kitchens are controversial topics in the design world right now. While it’s a practical choice for some, many homeowners have grown tired of this design choice in a post-pandemic world. Harris’ clients have been asking to close up their kitchen walls. “Especially for families, people no longer want to see dirty dishes and boxes of cereal while they eat dinner or entertain. We have clients with open floor plans who are building walls to separate their kitchens from their dining rooms. This more traditional style is coming back with the kitchen, dining room, and sitting room all compartmentalized. It allows you to curate a unique space.”

Matte Black Hardware

While matte black hardware was everywhere in 2022, expect to see less of it in 2023. “We have the flippers to thank for this one. Matte black hardware never really appealed to me but I do understand that for some they appreciate matte black’s minimalist nature and darker tones when opting for a more handsome look,” says interior designer Sara Weichel of Swike.

So what’s a good alternative? Weichel recommends considering oil-rubbed bronze for a more updated look. She also predicts we will see more polished nickel and chrome in the coming year.

Upper Cabinetry

The days of standard closed upper cabinets are starting to dwindle and will be replaced by open shelving. Sapna Aggarwal of Bungalowe tells me, “Upper cabinets are going away. Beautifully styled open shelving is here to stay. Doing away with upper cabinets is a great way to save money and create an opportunity to show off your personality by creating beautifully styled vignettes.”

But doing this right also means keeping it edited and uncluttered. “Our clients are very into hiding everything from dishes to appliances. Gone are the days of ceramics and cookbooks on display —the minimal, uncluttered look is in. Cookbooks belong in the pantry and appliances are hidden by cabinetry to obtain a zen, uncluttered look,” says Harris.

Faux Finishes

2023 is all about keeping it real in the kitchen, according to Lauren Cherkas, President and Chief Sales Officer of Artistic Tile. “Faux anything [such as quartz that looks like marble] is definitely a kitchen trend going away for the luxury consumer in 2023. For the discerning client, natural stone for floors, countertops, and backsplash is the only way to go. It is a classic look for the kitchen that transcends trends.”

Cherkas also believes these finishes will serve homeowners better in the long run. “With its longevity, it is also a sustainable choice. With minimal maintenance, it can outlast much of the other elements in a kitchen.”

Herringbone Backsplashes

Herringbone backsplashes fell back into favor around the time herringbone flooring did a few years ago, but according to Christopher Peaco*ck, founder and CEO of Christopher Peaco*ck, this style’s days are numbered. “Herringbone patterns are good for a floor, but not so much for a backsplash as it can get too busy, and you need a large area to appreciate it fully.”

Carrera Marble

This is another hot topic because Carrera marble, while beautiful and beloved by almost everybody, has become almost annoyingly omnipresent. So, in 2023, we’re likely to see a lot less of it. Peaco*ck thinks homeowners can do better. “I believe Carrera is overused and classic Carrera has changed so much now it’s hard to find a good slab. It’s not for me, unless I can find a nice piece that has a lot of white in it. There are so many white marbles, but they are super expensive, so Carrera can be good for a budget, but it’s not considered as beautiful as other white marbles out there.”

Appliances Over The Range

Installing a microwave over the range has been the standard for years, but now that standard is changing. “Just say no to putting appliances over the range. Making a fabulous design feature out of the space above your range far outweighs the utilitarian trend of using that area to house an appliance. Some people might say it's a shame not to claim this upper cabinet section for added storage or for an appliance,” says Tamarra Younis of Union Of The Art Interiors.

Contemporary Aesthetics

HGTV star and interior designer Francesca Grace of Francesca Grace Home shares organic kitchen aesthetics are beginning to look dated. “As a maximalist, I tend to stay away from neutral palettes and I think we're going to be seeing a lot more color in the kitchen in 2023. Think lots of rich colored hues, like dark greens, blacks, and blues, even merlot colored cabinets, with countertops with more character, like beautifully veined marble.”

Farmhouse-Style Kitchens

Live, laugh, and love that farmhouse-style kitchens will no longer be on-trend in 2023 “We've all seen them over and over again and it's time this style gets a revamp, which can be easily done. This is a trend that has started to become basic. We want to see more character and personality in a kitchen and I think we'll be seeing a lot of that in the future,” says Grace.

Tile Backsplashes

Arterberry and Cooke tell me that patterned tile backsplashes are beginning to become less preferable. “Patterned or mosaic wall tile can create a busy aesthetic and look dysfunctional. Opt for a solid slab stone to match the countertops for a calm, simple look. You can also have fun with cabinetry paint colors [instead].”

Cold, Ultra Modern Designs

Renata Vasconez and Samantha Gallacher, co-founders IG Workshop predict cold modern elements such as glossy finishes and sharp edges will be replaced by warmer, cozier styles. “Kitchens are now cozier and warmer, designers are staying away from glossy finishes and sharp edges. We are looking at curved islands, wood tones, and interesting use of textures. Honed and leathered stones are replacing the glossy slabs, and more daring colors have been incorporated in the designs.”

12 Kitchen Design Trends Going Away In 2023 (2024)


What kitchen trends are going out of style 2023? ›

Insider asked four interior designers to share which kitchen trends went out of style in 2023. They say modern-farmhouse looks, open floor plans, and industrial designs are becoming outdated. The designers also say DIY-painted cabinetry typically makes kitchens seem unprofessional.

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"Due to being a mainstay in kitchens for so long, granite now makes a kitchen look dated, especially those with a large speckled grain. The designer said people are opting for other stones like quartzite and porcelain because they're more subtle but have beautiful strands of color running through them.

Are white kitchens going out of style 2024? ›

The white kitchen has cemented its place as a timeless classic, and in 2024, its popularity shows no signs of slowing down. Renowned for its clean, crisp aesthetic and versatile appeal, the white kitchen remains a top choice for homeowners looking to create a space that is both stylish and classic.

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It's the all-white design that is falling out of style. Once considered the standard for kitchen design, the all-white option—with white flooring, white countertops, white cabinets, and white fixtures—has become a bit passé after being overdone for the past decade.

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Small Mosaic Tile

While small tiles can be a perfect fit for your shower or pool, they have no place in a kitchen, she says. “Tiny mosaic tiles on a kitchen backsplash is a recipe for a bad investment,” Meadows says. “It screams outdated.

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Why Trust Us? While the all-white kitchen will probably never go out of style, there are lots of new kitchen trends for 2023 that will make you equally happy. Think: pops of colors, the return of white appliances, and timeless styling touches to make your space feel fresh.

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Porcelain's New Age

Like quartz and solid surface materials, porcelain slab tops are nonporous, so they're a safe and healthy option for food preparation. Unlike those two materials, however, porcelain can be installed outside and is both heat- and frost-tolerant for homes across the country.

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One of the hottest kitchen trends for 2023 is the use of natural materials such as marble countertops and quartzite countertops. These surfaces don't just ooze luxury but also bring a unique texture to the kitchen countertop, making your kitchen island a focal point.

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Once the default countertop for most builder-grade kitchens during the early 2000s, granite is now falling out of favor, making way for other materials like quartz and marble. But it was extremely popular for so long because it's highly durable, heat-resistant, and is available in many colors.

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Embracing the beauty of wood grain in all its variations, 2024 trends are on point to bring everything from light maple, rich walnut and warm cherry to pale birch, golden teak and cedar red into your kitchen cabinets.

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A Pop of Cabinetry Color

This year, expect to see more color enter the kitchen, especially when it comes to the cabinets. While white continues to be the most common cabinetry color, wood and green kitchen cabinets are on the rise.

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Shaker-style cabinetry is a dependable classic

Kitchen cabinet trends come and go, but the real hallmarks of classic kitchen design always remain. Traditional shaker kitchen ideas, whether painted or left as unpainted kitchen cabinets, are always going to be a timeless choice for your cupboard doors.

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Designers think that it's easy to see why blue is taking over as the kitchen cabinet color of choice. Janel Laza, senior designer at FORM Kitchens, loves the shade for kitchens and advises picking a blue you are drawn to, works well with your home's aesthetic, and complements your color scheme.

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And paint manufacturers expect homeowners to continue to embrace green hues in 2023, especially in the kitchen. "The tone and feeling of green are extremely versatile," she says.

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Add More Neutral Tones and Colors

Another welcome change in 2023 will be kitchens moving away from sterile aesthetics. Say goodbye to crisp and icy whites and hello to cozy neutral hues. Swap out that doctor's office of a kitchen for taupe and off-white color palettes to soften the overall atmosphere of this space.

What is the most popular kitchen countertop for 2023? ›

Quartz has been the most popular kitchen countertop material for several years, and this trend is expected to continue in 2023. This popularity is largely due to its durability, which ensures quartz will withstand everyday wear and last a long time.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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