Builds - Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition Walkthrough & Guide (2024)

Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition —Guide and Walkthrough (PS4)

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by chris-williams

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Guide and Walkthrough (PS4) by chris-williams

Version: 1.0h | Updated: 09/25/2023
Highest Rated Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Mechanics
    2. Tips
    3. Copyright and Acknowledgments
  2. Character Creation
    1. Levels and Experience
    2. Races
    3. Class Overview
    4. Attributes
    5. Culture and Background
    6. Skills
  3. Barbarian
  4. Chanter
  5. Cipher
  6. Druid
  7. Fighter
  8. Monk
  9. Paladin
  10. Priest
  11. Ranger
  12. Rogue
  13. Wizard
  14. Universal Talents
  15. Builds
  16. Companions
  17. The Hollowing of the Dyrwood - Act I
    1. The Gilded Vale
    2. The Old Watcher
    3. Lord of a Barren Land
  18. The Hollowing of the Dyrwood - Act II
    1. Never Far from the Queen
    2. The Man Who Waits and Other Stories
    3. Through Death's Gate
  19. The White March - Part 1
    1. Durgan's Battery
    2. The White Forge
    3. The Siege of Crägholdt
  20. The Hollowing of the Dyrwood - Act III
    1. The Assassin at Large
    2. Council of Stars
  21. The White March Part 2
    1. The Iron Flail
    2. The Forgotten Army
  22. The Hollowing of the Dyrwood - The Finale
    1. Memories of the Ancients
  23. Endless Paths of Od Nua
  24. Caed Nua
    1. Upgrades
    2. Events
    3. Bounties
  25. Items
    1. Mundane Equipment
    2. Unique Weapons
    3. Unique Armour and Shields
    4. Accessories
    5. Soulbound Items
    6. Grimoires
    7. Consumables
  26. Crafting
    1. Ingredients
    2. Durgan Iron Ingots
  27. Miscellaneous
    1. Pets
    2. Inns and Lodgings
  28. Bestiary
    1. Beasts
    2. Primordials
    3. Spirits
    4. Vessels
    5. Wilders
  29. Appendix: Relative Pacifism
  30. Trophies


This page provides builds for each class that you can use in your own playthroughs..


RaceHuman (Fighting Spirit)
CultureDeadfire Archpelago
AttributesMIG: 18, CON: 9, DEX: 9, PER: 14, INT: 18, RES: 10
SkillsAthletics (3), Survival (2)
1Carnage; Frenzy
2Weapon Focus - Soldier
3Savage Defiance
4Two-Handed Style
5One Stands Alone
6Stalwart Defiance
7Threatening Presence
8Accurate Carnage
9Barbaric Shout
10Apprentice's Sneak Attack
12Barbaric Blow
13Dragon Leap
14Greater Frenzy
15Barbaric Retaliation
16Bull's Will

Frenzy is not great at low levels because you don't need the Accuracy penalty. However, in the long term, it's better than Barbaric Yell. Savage Defiance combos with Fighting Spirit: when sufficient damage is taken to activate the combat boosts, you can heal yourself. Most of the abilities are passive: if you're going to be in the thick of combat, you may as well weaken nearby enemies. One Stands Alone, which confers a damage bonus, only requires enemy proximity rather than actual Engagement.

The weapon focus is for the Tall Grass pike or the Hours of St. Rumbauld great sword which can knock enemies Prone on a critical hit. Carnage turns this into an AoE effect and Threatening Presence makes it more likely to proc by lowering enemies' Fortitude.


RaceCoastal Aumaua (Towering Physique)
CultureOld Vailia
AttributesMIG: 18, CON: 10, DEX: 6, PER: 10, INT: 18, RES: 16
SkillsLore (3), Mechanics (2)
1Come, Come, Soft Winds...; Blessed Was Wengridh...; But Reny Daret's Ghost...-
2White Worms Writhed...Ancient Memory
3At the Sight of Their Comrades...-
4Not Felled By the Axe...Weapon Focus - Peasant
5Sure-Handed Ila...-
6My Son, Do You See Your Sisters...?Weapon and Shield Style
7Rime and Frost...-
8At the Sound of His Voice...Beloved Spirits
9The Dragon Thrashed...-
10Seven Nights She Waited...Secrets of Rime
11The Silver Knights' Shields...-
12Oh, But Knock Not on the Door...Superior Deflection
13Old Slec Would Not Rest...-
14So Singt Thy Biting Winds...Hold the Line
15Mercy and Kindness...-
16Called to His BiddingTwo-handed Style

A Chanter's strengths don't dispose her to being the being the fastest killer on the battlefield so this build focuses on defence and passive aggression. The weapon focus is for the Deflection benefits of hatchets and for a general Accuracy bonus. The higher level Invocations are boosted by Secrets of Rime.

For most encounters, you're best off mindlessly chanting Come, come... so that you can get your damaging Invocations off or access your powerful summons more quickly. When they come online, you can mix in Old Slec or Mercy and Kindness for some powerful self and party heals.


RaceMoon Godlike (Silver Tide)
CultureLiving Lands
AttributesMIG: 16, CON: 10, DEX: 16, PER: 12, INT: 16, RES: 8
SkillsLore (2), Mechanics (2), Stealth
1Antipathetic Field; EyestrikeSoul Whip
2Whisper of TreasonGreater Focus
3Psychovampiric Shield; Mental Binding-
4Recall AgonyBiting Whip

Puppet Master; Ectopsychic Echo


6Secret HorrorsDraining Whip
7Body Attunement; Silent Scream-
8Pain BlockPsychic Backlash
9Borrowed Instinct; Tactical Meld-
10Fractured VolitionBrutal Backlash
11Amplified Wave; Disintegration-
12Mind PlagueWeapon Focus - Adventurer
13Pain Link; Time Parasite-
14Soul IgnitionApprentice's Sneak Attack
15Defensive Mindweb; Reaping Knives-
16Phantom FoesBull's Will

This is a decent mix of crowd control and direct damage. At first, you'll likely be using a bow but when you get Greater Focus at level 2 you can open with Eyebite which will help you land your physical attacks. If you prefer a more hands-on approach, you can open up with Psychovampiric Shield from level 3 and go in swinging. The weapon focus encompasses reach and missile weapons to support a hybrid playstyle.

Disintegration is your big damage spell. If you need to soften up a high-defence target first, Fractured Volition reduces Fortitude. Before that you can use Antipatheitc Field and Ectopsychic Echo.


RacePale Elf (Elemental Endurance)
CultureThe Living Lands
AttributesMIG: 15, CON: 10, DEX: 16, PER: 10, INT: 18, RES: 9
SkillsLore, Survival (4)
11st level spells-Spiritshift
2--Wildstrike Shock
32nd level spells--
4--Heart of the Storm
53rd level spells--
6--Two-Weapon Style
74th level spells--
8--Weapon Focus - Peasant
95th level spellsNature's Mark-
10--Greater Wildstrike Shock
116th level spellsAutumn's Decay-
12--Apprentice's Sneak Attack
137th level spellsStag's Horn-
14--Savage Attack
158th level spellsForm of the Delemgan-
16--Interrupting Blows

There seems little point in playing a Druid as a pure caster class - you might as well play a Wizard. Instead, I've chosen to build around Spiritshifting. I prefer the cat slightly to the boar since building for attack speed works better when you have high attack speed to start with.

Nature Godlike would be nice, but the synergy of Elemental Endurance with Form of the Delemgan is just too good to pass up.

You might take Veteran's Recovery for early survivability and respec when that ceases to be such a problem. Savage Attack works well with Spiritshift attacks since they have high Accuracy.


RaceBoreal Dwarf (Hunter's Instincts)
CultureDeadfire Archipelago
AttributesMIG: 16, CON: 10, DEX: 16, PER: 12, INT: 14, RES: 10
SkillsAthletics, Lore (2), Survival (2)
1Constant Recovery; Knock Down
2Rapid Recovery
3Disciplined Barrage
4Two-Weapon Style
5Weapon Specialization - Ruffian
6Weapon Focus - Ruffian
7Armored Grace
8Weapon Mastery - Ruffian
10Vulnerable Attack
11Critical Defense
12Bonus Knock Down
14Apprentice's Sneak Attack
15Sundering Blow
16Superior Deflection

This is a Fighter built for lethality rather than defence. I've chosen Boreal Dwarf but any racial choice with a fixed bonus would be good. I've chosen the Ruffian weapon set for two-weapon fighting - adjust to taste.

Monk (Long Pain)

RaceBoreal Dwarf (Hunter's Instincts)
CultureThe Living Lands
AttributesMIG: 20, CON: 10, DEX: 16, PER: 10, INT: 16, RES: 6
SkillsAthletics, Lore (2), Stealth, Survival
1Transcendent Suffering; Swift Strikes
2Lightning Strikes
3Torment's Reach
4Two Weapon Style
5Stunning Blow
6Weapon Focus - Peasant
7The Long Pain
8Beast Slayer
9Long Stride
10Primal Bane
11Flagellant's Path
13Force of Anguish
14Ghost Hunter
15Skyward Kick

This is a variant Monk built around the Long Pain Fists. Until level 7, you will play as a conventional Monk. Because of low Resolve, you will have to play slightly cautiously at first. Once you get The Long Pain ability, you have an extremely high damage, dual-wield weapon. All the selected abilities work with it (note that Enervating Blows is not one of these) and the bane-type talents increase what is already high damage further. If you want the complete set, swap the Marksman talent for Wilder Hunter.

Monk (Passive Aggressive)

RaceFire Godlike (Battle Forged)
AttributesMIG: 18, CON: 18, DEX: 8, PER: 14, INT: 8, RES: 12
SkillsAthletics (2), Lore, Stealth, Survival
1Transcendent Suffering; Torment's Reach
2Veteran's Recovery
3Turning Wheel
4Vulnerable Attack
5Long Stride
6Scion of Flame
7Duality of Mortal Presence
8Weapon Focus - Peasant
9Enervating Blows
10Two Weapon Style
11Iron Wheel
12Bear's Fortitude
13Rooting Pain
14Body Control
15Flagellant's Path
16Fast Runner

The idea here is to repay pain with interest. The key talent is Battle Forged which works with Turning Wheel and Vulnerable Attack. This does require you to be at 50% Endurance, but with very high Constitution, this will still be quite high.


RaceHuman (Fighting Spirit)
CultureOld Vailia
AttributesMIG: 19, CON: 10, DEX: 10, PER: 12, INT: 12, RES: 15
OrderShieldbearers of St. Elcga
SkillsAthletics (2), Lore (3)
1Faith and Conviction; Flames of Devotion
2Shielding Flames
3Zealous Focus
4Critical Focus
5Lay on Hands
6Two-handed Style
7Coordinated Attacks
8Weapon Focus - Soldier
9Sworn Enemy
10Shielding Touch
11Reviving Exhortation
12Greater Lay on Hands
13Sacred Immolation
14Scion of Flame
15Righteous Soul
16Apprentice's Sneak Attack

Shieldbearers get a couple of decent talents and more defence for everyone is never a bad thing. The basic idea is to open up with Flames of Devotion which - combined with a shot from an arquebus - will damage or even kill a backline enemy while providing a decent boost to all allies. With this out of the way, the Paladin can get stuck in with a great sword while boosting the Accuracy of the entire party. Besides Sacred Immolation (which is too good to pass up regardless), most of the chosen abilities do not depend strongly on Intellect, allowing attribute points to be moved elsewhere.

Priest of Eothas

RaceDeath Godlike (Death's Usher)
CultureOld Vailia
AttributesMIG: 15, CON: 8, DEX: 18, PER: 12, INT: 17, RES: 8
SkillsAthletics, Lore (4)
11st level spells-Holy Radiance
32nd level spells--
4--Painful Interdiction
53rd level spells--
6--Inspiring Radiance
74th level spells--
8--Weapon and Shield Style
95th level spellsBlessing-
10--Scion of Flame
116th level spellsRepulsing Seal-
12--Hope Eternal
137th level spellsDire Blessing-
14--Deep Pockets
158th level spellsDevotions for the Faithful-
16--Outlander's Frenzy

This is the nice Priest build with joint emphasis on party support and burning enemies to ash. Eothas has probably the least useful Deity-specific talent but the best Symbol spell for late game. The rather strange looking Outlander's Frenzy talent is to boost casting speed.

Priest of Skaen

RaceHearth Orlan (Minor Threat)
AttributesMIG: 14, CON: 10, DEX: 15, PER: 16, INT: 15, RES: 8
SkillsAthletics, Lore (3), Stealth
11st level spells-Holy Radiance
32nd level spells--
4--Painful Interdiction
53rd level spells--
6--Prey Upon the Weak
74th level spells--
8--Two-Weapon Style
95th level spellsHalt-
10--Apprentice's Sneak Attack
116th level spellsHoly Power-
12--Vulnerable Attack
137th level spellsDire Blessing-
14--Weapon Focus - Ruffian
158th level spellsDevotions for the Faithful-
16--Scion of Flame

In contrast a Priest of an evil deity is built rather more selfishly and plays like a Rogue with the exception that the enemies he engages are already going to be weakened in several ways before he starts stabbing them.



Hearth Orlan (Minor Threat)

CultureDeadfire Archipelago
AttributesMIG: 17, CON: 10, DEX: 18, PER: 15, INT: 10, RES: 8
SkillsLore, Stealth, Survival (3)
1Animal Companion (Wolf); Wounding Shot
2Resilient Companion
3Vicious Aim / Predator's Sense
4Vicious Companion
5Stalker's Link
6Faithful Companion
7Heal Companion
8Penetrating Shot
9Binding Roots
10Weapon Focus - Peasant
11Stunning Shots
12Bull's Will
13Twinned Shots
14Apprentice's Sneak Attack
15Vengeful Grief
16Merciless Companion

Since the USP of a Ranger is the animal companion, it makes sense to build around it. For level 3, either take Predator's Sense or take Vicious Aim and respec when you get to level 13 since Twinned Shots makes other modal abilities obsolete. At level 5, you may prefer Defensive Bond which doesn't require you to pay such close attention to what your companion is up to.



Hearth Orlan (Minor Threat)

CultureDeadfire Archipelago
AttributesMIG: 14, CON: 9, DEX: 18, PER: 18, INT: 9, RES: 10
SkillsMechanics (3), Stealth (2)
1Sneak Attack; Blinding Strike
2Two Weapon Style
4Weapon Focus - Ruffian
5Reckless Assault
6Vulnerable Attack
7Dirty Fighting
8Vicious Fighting
9Finishing Blow
10Veteran's Recovery
12Interrupting Blows
14Bull's Will
15Feign Death

At level 1, you only have two choices. Blinding Strike gives the superior debuff but you can pick Crippling Strike which can be used twice as often. The weapon focus suggests something like a sabre and stiletto or a club and stiletto. Two Weapon Style and Vulnerable Attack will cancel each other out. However, combined they give you a way of overcoming high DR without compromising offence too badly. When you don't need the DR bypass, turn Vulnerable Attack off.

Since Deflection is in the crapper, I don't try to repair the penalty from Reckless Assault through Deflecting Assault. If you weren't reckless, you wouldn't play as a Rogue in the first place!

Wizard (Ranged)


Moon Godlike (Silver Tide)

CultureThe White that Wends
AttributesMIG: 16, CON: 8, DEX: 14, PER: 14, INT: 18, RES: 8
SkillsLore (4), Mechanics
1Arkemyr's Dazzling Lights; Chill Fog; Slicken; Wizard's Double-Arcane Assault
3Concelahaut's Corrosive Siphon; Fetid Caress--
4Bulwark Against the Elements-Dangerous Implements
5Deleterious Alacrity of Motion; Kalakoth's Minor Blights--
6Arduous Delay of Motion-Penetrating Blast
7Minor Grimoire Imprint; Pull of Eora--
8Maura's Writing Tentacles-Envenomed Strike
9Call to Sleep; Llengrath's SafeguardEldritch Aim-
10Arkemyr's Wondrous Torment-Weapon Focus - Noble
11Chain Lightning; Gaze of the AdraganBulwark Against the Elements-
12Arkemyr's Capricious Hex-Marksman
13Llengrath's Warding Staff; Tayn's Chaotic OrbArduous Delay of Motion-
14Substantial Phantom-Apprentice's Sneak Attack
15Caedebald's Blackbow; Wall of Many ColorsPull of Eora-
16Major Grimoire Imprint-Deep Pockets

This is primarily a ranged build with a mix of damaging and disabling magic. The trick is using implements (rods, staves and wands) and having them do AoE damage through (Penetrating) Blast. You can use AoE blasts to deliver Envenomed Strike. Dangerous Implements increases your damage output and helps proc Silver Tide by damaging you with each blast.

Wizard (Melee)


Pale Elf (Elemental Endurance)

CultureLiving Lands
AttributesMIG: 18, CON: 10, DEX: 15, PER: 12, INT: 15, RES: 8
SkillsAthletics, Lore (3), Mechanics
1Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff; Eldritch Aim; Spirit Shield; Wizard's Double-Arcane Assault
2Fleet Feet-Arcane Veil
3Infuse with Vital Essence; Merciless Gaze--
4Bulwark Against the Elements-Two-Handed Style
5Deleterious Alacrity of Motion; Expose Vulnerabilities--
6Concelhaut's Draining Touch-Hardened Veil
7Flame Shield; Ironskin--
8Pull of Eora-Weapon Focus - Noble
9Citzal's Spirit Lance; Llengrath's SafeguardWizard's Double-
10Arkemyr's Wondrous Torment-Apprentice's Sneak Attack
11Minoletta's Precisely Piercing Blast; Arkemyr's Capricious HexEldritch Aim-
12Citzal's Martial Power-Veteran's Recovery
13Llengrath's Warding Staff; Wall of DrainingDeleterious Alacrity of Motion-
14Substantial Phantom-Superior Deflection
15Major Grimoire Imprint; Minoletta's Piercing SigilFlame Shield-
16Wall of Many Colors-Bear's Fortitude

The spell selection focuses on self-buffs and spells with a fast casting time. Arcane Veil doesn't last that long so you may want to have an escape plan (Fleet Feet or similar). The Parasitic Staff is great for the early game and the Spirit Lance and Warding Staff are even better later on.

  • Previous: Universal Talents
  • Next: Companions

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Builds - Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition Walkthrough & Guide (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

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