Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (2024)

Breakfast, Dessert, Recipes, Snacks · · By: Jennifer Farley

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This vegan, paleo 5 ingredient granola recipe is sweetened with dates instead of refined sugar, made with leftover almond pulp and absolutely delicious. Great for breakfast, snacking or dessert!

Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (1)

You can buy pre-made granolas at the store, but they are generally loaded with refined sugar, over processed and just don’t taste that great. This almond pulp granola recipe has a sweet vanilla taste without any added sugar and requires little active preparing time.

If you’ve never made your own nut milk, now is the time! If you’ve ever worried about the food waste from tossing the pulp from homemade nut milk, you are in the right place. You can make homemade almond milk and make this granola immediately after.

What is almond pulp?

Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (2)

If you’re planning to make your own almond milk, you will have almond pulp when you’re done. Almond pulp is the masticated raw almonds leftover in your nut milk bag after straining them from your almond milk.

It often gets discarded but can actually be turned into an amazing granola.

You can store almond pulp for use later if you’re in a hurry. Store it in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Just don’t plan to keep it more than 5 days. It can go rancid.

Almond pulp is not the same as almond flour and almond flour should not be substituted in this recipe.

What is in this almond pulp granola?

This granola includes only five ingredients:

Aside from this recipe using almond pulp, this granola also differs from traditional granola as it is gluten free and does not include oats or refined sugar.

How long does granola last?

You will want to store your granola in an airtight container. It can be stored at room temperature for a week.

If you are planning to store your granola for a long time, it’s best to store in the freezer. The freezer is a great way to store your granola and can be stored up to 6 months. You don’t even have to thaw it before enjoying it.

Why is this the best low sugar granola?

This almond pulp granola is the best low sugar granola. It’s sure to become one of your favorite recipes. Here’s why:

  • It’s is a kid friendly snack and breakfast that is delicious and can be made in advance so it’s ready to eat whenever anyone else is.
  • There isn’t any sugar in it at all. It’s sweetened with dates, one of the greatest natural sweeteners. So while not considered low carb, it includes dates, which are full of nutrients.
  • This is a gluten free granola recipe without oats. While oats aren’t bad for everyone, so many granolas have oats, and many people don’t tolerate them well.
  • There are only five ingredients, and they all get thrown in the blender and onto a baking sheet. It’s super quick, easy to make and easy to clean up.
  • If the main reason you haven’t made almond milk is that you don’t know what to do with the pulp, you now have a recipe to use the pulp next time.
Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (3)

What to eat with granola?

This almond pulp granola is delicious on its own, in a bowl with fresh almond milk, or you can load it up with extra super foods and flavors like:

  • Chia seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Chocolate chips
  • Additional healthy fats like a warm almond butter or peanut butter drizzle
  • Hemp seeds
  • flax seeds
  • Dried fruit
  • Fresh fruit (strawberries are our favorite!)
  • Unsweetened coconut flakes
  • Sesame seeds
  • Use as a crunchy topping and add the granola to ice cream or some Greek yogurt

Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (4)

How do you make Vanilla Almond Pulp Granola?

After making almond milk, instead of discarding your leftover pulp, set it aside.

Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (5)

Next, don’t worry about washing your blender. Add your dry ingredients (walnuts, dates and salt) straight to your dirty blender.

Pulse until they make a coarse meal. You may need to stop and mix it up and push it down a few times along the way.

Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (6)

Add your nut milk pulp and vanilla and pulse until blended.

Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (7)
Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (8)

Dump mixture on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (or you can use a Caraway baking sheet with no parchment paper) and use your hands to break up the mixture into chunks.

Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (9)

Bake on 350 degrees for 10 minutes then open the oven and stir/break up the granola into smaller pieces.

Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (10)

Then return to oven and continue baking for an additional 10 minutes and let cool for 15 minutes. It will harden as it cools. Let it cool completely, then add to a storage container.

Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (11)

Serve with almond milk or over some fresh fruit (a little honey or maple syrup makes the granola stick a little better). There are a lot of almond pulp recipes you can find from a Google search (like cookie recipes!), which is good news for those of us trying to cut back on food waste. Having homemade granola on hand is a great idea for meal prep weeks as it’s the perfect healthy snack, quick breakfast or indulgent dessert.

Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (12)

Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (13)
Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (14)


Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (15)

Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe

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5 from 2 reviews

  • Author: Jennifer Farley
  • Total Time: 35 minutes
  • Yield: 3 cups 1x
  • Diet: Gluten Free


This vegan, paleo 5 ingredient granola recipe is sweetened with dates instead of refined sugar, made with leftover almond pulp and absolutely delicious. Great for breakfast, snacking or dessert!




  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. After making your almond milk, set almond pulp aside and add walnuts, salt and dates into your high-speed blender. No need to wash it after making almond milk.
  3. Pulse until a coarse mixture forms. you may need to stop and stir up the mixture and/or scrape down the sides a couple times.
  4. Add almond pulp and vanilla extract to blender and pulse until a grainy mixture forms.
  5. Dump mixture onto lined baking sheet and break up with your hands to form a single layer.
  6. Bake for 10 minutes then stir/break up mixture into small pieces.
  7. Bake for an additional 8-10 minutes.
  8. Let cool on baking sheet for at least 15 minutes and store in a sealed container on the counter for a week, or in the freezer for a up to 6 months.


If you didn’t add coconut oil to your almond milk while making, add ½ teaspoon to the blender when you add the vanilla extract and almond pulp.

If you would rather make this in a food processor, follow the same steps. The process is a bit quicker since the nuts and dates mix a bit better there, but I like to do it in the blender, so I don’t have to clean another tool.

Feel free to store leftover almond pulp for up to 5 days in the refrigerator before making this granola.

  • Prep Time: 10
  • Cook Time: 25
  • Category: granola
  • Method: high-speed blender/oven
  • Cuisine: breakfast


  • Serving Size: 1/2 cup
  • Calories: 307
  • Sugar: 19g
  • Sodium: 195mg
  • Fat: 20.4g
  • Saturated Fat: 1.9g
  • Carbohydrates: 26.8g
  • Fiber: 5.1g
  • Protein: 7.5g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
Gluten Free Almond Pulp Granola Recipe - No Sugar Added | Wellness Trickle (2024)


Can I eat granola on sugar free diet? ›

This depends on the ingredients. While many granolas are made with whole grain rolled oats (a complex carb that is good for your health) many also include sugar, chocolate and other high-carb, high-sugar ingredients. Make sure you review the ingredients in your favorite granola before you start chowing down.

What is almond granola made of? ›

The base is made from rolled oats and sliced almonds, but you could certainly add more. Raisins, currants, other types of nuts, dried figs, cherries … the list can go on. Think of homemade granola as pantry spring cleaning. Have a tiny bit of nuts left in a bag at the back of your pantry?

What happens if you stop eating sugar for 30 days? ›

*Weight loss: Sugar is a major contributor to excess calorie intake. By eliminating it, you may experience weight loss, especially if you were consuming a significant amount of sugary foods and beverages. *Reduced cravings: Sugar can be addictive, and eliminating it from your diet can help reduce cravings over time.

What happens after 2 weeks of no sugar? ›

By quitting sugar, participants in the two-week experiment experienced improvements in cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and cardiovascular function. They also noticed a decrease in inflammation, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and promoting overall health.

Is granola better for you than oatmeal? ›

Which One Is Better for Breakfast? Both oatmeal and granola make for a healthy, nutritious breakfast, but the winner for us is granola—the added nuts, seeds, and dried fruits give you a source of fiber and healthy fats that oatmeal can't quite compete with.

Why does granola have added sugar? ›

You might be wondering: If granola is supposed to be so good for you, then why does it have so much sugar? To put it simply: Food companies (both big and small ones) add sugars and sweeteners to foods because they don't think you'll buy them otherwise.

What makes homemade granola stick together? ›

Add an egg white.

The whites act as a kind of glue that binds the ingredients together. To ensure that the egg whites coat all the ingredients, I beat them with a whisk until foamy and increased in volume, which makes it much easier to fold into the granola.

Does granola have alot of sugar? ›

A majority of the mass-produced granolas that you will find in big grocery stores are high in sugar and have very little nutritional value. Granola can also be fiber-rich, and contain healthy ingredients, plus very little (or no) added sugars. Pay attention to the ingredient list and nutrition labels.

What can I snack on on no sugar diet? ›

Best snacks for a no sugar diet.
  • Banana Oat Energy Bars.
  • Quick Black Bean Hummus.
  • Gourmet Microwave Popcorn.
  • Hatch Chile Salsa.
  • Baked Tortilla Chips.
  • Guacamole.
  • Roasted Chickpeas.
  • Super Easy Hummus.
Aug 30, 2021

Does granola spike sugar? ›

Serving sizes. If a granola contains some sugar and the serving size is very small, that sugar can quickly add up and spike your blood glucose. Some brands consider one-quarter cup to be a serving, and research finds that we tend to portion out more granola than other breakfast cereals.

Does granola always have sugar? ›

Commercial varieties of granola are often loaded with enough added sugar to rival a slice of chocolate cake. Homemade granola recipes are often no better, calling for ample amounts of refined sugar, maple syrup, honey and other sweeteners.

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