West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (2024)

Table of Contents
ESO West Weald Zone Guide Map Completion West Weald Gold Road Partaker Achievement Starlight Memories Achievement Wine and Warriors Achievement Quality Colovian Tools Achievement Minotaur Tracker Achievement Silorn Public Dungeon in West Weald Silorn Public Dungeon in West Weald Leftwheal Trading Post Public Dungeon in West Weald Leftwheal Trading Post Public Dungeon in West Weald West Weald Delve Maps Fyrelight Cave Delve Map Haldain Lumber Camp Delve Map Nonungalo Delve Map Fort Colovia Delve Map Varen's Watch Delve Map Legion's Rest Delve Map Side Quests in West Weald When The Ground Shook The Missing Cohort Flocking Together Seeking Armistice Found Family The Voice Of The Village Hold The Line The Many Paths Another Death In Ontus Self-Preservation Where There's A Will Ayleid Altercations Vesper Valente The Deserter Terror of the Weald Faded Scarlets Burnt Biscuits Mini Menagerie Tracking The Trapper A Matter Of Propriety (Delve) Unfinished Business (Delve) Spilled Wine (Delve) The Silent Bell (Delve) Cold Fires On The Watch (Delve) Appointed Executor Caught in a Trap (Public Dungeon) Death and Titans (Public Dungeon) Aiding The Expedition (Lucent Citadel Trial) Room to Spare The Second Era Of Scribing (Scribing) Daily Quests in West Weald Commandant Salerius (Delve Quests) Lieutenant Agrance (Group Boss Quests) Legionary Jaida Mirrormoor (Incursion Quests) Zone Story Quests in West Weald Paths of Chaos Seeds of Suspicion Relics of the Three Princes King Nantharion's Gambit The Untraveled Road Epilogue: Gold Road Storyline Skyshards Location in West Weald Telvanni Peninsula Skyshards West Weald Skyshards Skyshards Location Map Points of Interest in West Weald West Weald Points of Interest Other locations in West Weald Lucent Citadel 12-person Trial in West Weald Trial Sets from Lucent Citadel in West Weald Wayshrines in West Weald Crafting Set Stations in West Weald Tharriker’s Strike Set Highland Sentinel Threads of War Set Overland Sets in West Weald West Weald Treasure Maps West Weald Pre-Purchase Treasure Map I Chest Location West Weald Pre-Purchase Treasure Map II Chest Location West Weald Pre-Purchase Treasure Map III Chest Location West Weald Treasure Map I - ESO West Weald Treasure Map II - ESO West Weald Treasure Map III - ESO West Weald Treasure Map IV - ESO West Weald Treasure Map V - ESO West Weald Treasure Map V - ESO World Bosses in West Weald Wood Elf Spinner Urthrendir Oakenclaw Hessedaz the Baleful Thorntooth Stri the Fate-Eater Recollection Leaders FAQs
West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (1)

Youtube: West Weald Map

YouTube: West Weald Map

ESO West Weald Zone Guide

West Weald is zone in The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road Chapter, a part of The Gold Road ESO 2024 storyline.

The West Weald is located east of Gold Coast and west of Cyrodiil, ruled by the Colovian, Count Calantius is an independent nation allied to the Imperial forces.

West Weald got three subzones: Gold Road with temperate environment, location of region’s capital city, Skingrad. Colovian Highlands is a mountainous region that is home to an Imperial settlement and Ayleid ruins. Rocky soil and dry climate is ideal location for famous vineyards. Dawnwood home to the encroaching jungles of nearby Valenwood with dense wilderness climate inhabited by advancing Wood Elves from Vashabar settlement

Main town in the West Weald is Skingrad.

  • Gold Road Partaker - Complete rituals found in West Weald to bring travelers good luck.
  • Starlight Memories - Discover the Ayleid wells of West Weald.
  • Wine and Warriors - Engage in local West Weald culture in various ways.
  • West Weald Treasure Maps - Location of Treasure Chest from Treasure Maps in West Weald.

"West Weald is my home and I'll protect it with my life! From Sutch in the west, to Rustwall in the east, and all along the Gold Road, I'll help keep Skingrad and the Weald safe from all enemies. This I swear!"-Tribune Alea Idolus

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (2)

ESO West Weald Zone.

ESO West Weald Zone

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (3)

Location of West Weald in Tamriel.

Map Completion West Weald

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (4)

Gold Road Grand Adventurer Complete 28 unique quests in West Weald.
Reward: Outfit Style - Nantharion's Royal Helm.

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (5)

Gold Road Master Explorer Discover and clear all caves and striking locales across West Weald.
- Gold Road Cave Delver
- Gold Road Pathfinder

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (6)

Glass Sky Defender Complete the Mirrormoor Incursions at the Mosaic locations listed below.
- Ostumir Mirrormoor Mosaic
- Sutch Mirrormoor Mosaic
- Colovia Mirrrormoor Mosaic
- Silorn Mirrormoor Mosaic
Reward: Skill Style - Reverse Slash, Ruby Red.

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (7)

Gold Road Partaker Complete rituals found in West Weald to bring travelers good luck.
- Sutch Miner's Coin Toss
- Water the Greenspeaking Sapling
- Meridia's Shrine Ritual
- Sanguine's Shrine Ritual
Reward: Outfit Style - Nantharion's Royal Girdle.
more about Gold Road Partaker

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (8)


Zone Storyline Quests

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (9)



West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (10)



West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (11)


Points of Interest

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (12)


Striking Locales

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (13)


Crafting Set Stations

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (14)


Public Dungeons

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (15)


World Events

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (16)


World Bosses

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (17)



West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (18)


Lore Books

Gold Road Partaker Achievement

Complete rituals found in West Weald to bring travelers good luck.


Sutch Miner's Coin Toss - find the well in the center of Sutch, read note, take coin, toss coin into well.


Water the Greenspeaking Sapling - find a shiny green tree in Vashabar, near which you will find two gardeners, water it with the water nearby.


Meridia's Shrine Ritual - light a bonfire near Meridia's Shrine.


Sanguine's Shrine Ritual - drink from bottle on Sanguine's Shrine.

Reward: Outfit Style - Nantharion's Royal Girdle

more about Gold Road Partaker

Starlight Memories Achievement

Discover the Ayleid wells of West Weald.


Niryastare Well


Vashabar Well


Eaglerock Well


Trader's Luck Well


Ostumir Well


Lake Olo Well

more about Starlight Memories

Wine and Warriors Achievement

Engage in local West Weald culture in various ways.

C1 and C2 can change places.


Talk to the Julianos Pilgrims - Two wanderers, talk to them, you can meet them in more than one place, it is random, they can be standing on main roads and at intersections. I marked the places where I saw them on the map.


Enage the Emerging Performer - Carloman, single man with some animals, talk to him. You can meet him in more than one place, it is random, they can be standing on main roads and at intersections. I marked the places where I saw them on the map.


Dance with a Marionette - Marionette is always in the same place in the middle of Ontus on main street.


Smash Grapes with a Vitner - you can find him in north outer Skingrad, outside walls in the winery. Jump into Grape Barrel and smash graphes.


Talk to the Reachfolk Ambassador - The ambassador addresses his audience in the northeastern part of Vashabar.

Reward: Outfit Style - Nantharion's Royal Pauldrons

more about Wine and Warriors

Quality Colovian Tools Achievement

Pickpocket an artisan tool furnishing from a citizen in West Weald.


Citizen to Pickpocket - this isn't any specific NPC, I robbed random passersby near the home furnishings store in Skingard and it worked the third time.

Minotaur Tracker Achievement

Find and defeat the leader of the Minotaur War Party.


Minotaur War Party - The Minotaur War Party (Group Event) patrols the area northeast of Feldgard Keep.

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (19)

Minotaur Tracker Achievement

West Weald in Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (20)

Silorn Public Dungeon in West Weald

Larger, harder, open world dungeons for groups or cooperative players, includes own quest lines, a Skyshard and a few Bosses. Accessible to everyone. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear, check all Public Dungeon Maps in ESO.

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (21)

Silorn Public Dungeon in West Weald

Silorn Public Dungeon Map for ESO

Silorn Bosses

  • Shaman Rezzutum and Bone-Breaker
  • Bloodmane and Spitetooth
  • Shepherd of the Doomed
  • Juxheis the Dread
  • Galrok the Burning
  • Viikor Brazen Hoof (Group Event)

"You ever seen a minotaur go toe to toe with an army of undead? Messy business. Has a way of keeping you up at night. Makes for a fun bit of gambling though." - Innkeep Nolus Barbula

Death and Titans Quest (P2)

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (22)

Leftwheal Trading Post Public Dungeon in West Weald

Larger, harder, open world dungeons for groups or cooperative players, includes own quest lines, a Skyshard and a few Bosses. Accessible to everyone. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear, check all Public Dungeon Maps in ESO.

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (23)

Leftwheal Trading Post Public Dungeon in West Weald

Leftwheal Trading Post Public Dungeon Map for ESO

Leftwheal Trading Post Bosses

  • Swarmkeeper Xvarcon
  • Hrakkzur
  • Zvartek the Weapon Master
  • Klynklaynk
  • Olashyn and Ranishyn
  • Yrrkkyyn (Group Event)

"It's impressive what the baroness has accomplished at Leftwheal. I'd argue it's a better trading hub than Skingrad, though I'd never let the count hear me say that. Still, she's got a good sense for business, that baroness." - Merchant Toutis Favonius

Caught in a Trap Quest (P1)

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (24)

West Weald Delve Maps

Delves are rather easy, solo or cooperative, small dungeons or caves with single Skyshard and named Boss who drops set gear. Delves are accessible to everyone at any time, see all Delve Maps.

In Gold Road there are 6 Delves in West Weald for Gold Road Cave Delver.

  • Fyrelight Cave
  • Haldain Lumber Camp
  • Nonungalo
  • Fort Colovia
  • Varen's Watch
  • Legion's Rest
West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (25)

Fyrelight Cave Delve Map

Zone: West Weald (Gold Road)

Boss: Scourgetail

Hunters have reported a troubling increase in tharriker populations in and around Fyrelight Cave. The Count of Skingrad would appreciate any and all help in clearing out this den of beasts - Historian Varinia Scipio.

A Matter Of Propriety Side Quest

Fate of the Forgotten Prince Story Quest

Faded Scarlets Side Quest

A Study in Tharriker Daily Quest

Fyrelight Cave Delve Map with Skyshard and Boss locations ESO

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (26)

Haldain Lumber Camp Delve Map

Zone: West Weald (Gold Road)

Boss: Aggression of Root

"Dreams are fragile things. Sometimes they burn brightly and sometimes they are snuffed by the very roots upon which they were built." - Commandant Salerius of the West Weald Legion.

Appointed Executor Side Quest start inside Delve

Loan Recall Daily Quest

Haldain Lumber Camp Delve Map with Skyshard and Boss locations ESO

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (27)

Nonungalo Delve Map

Zone: West Weald (Gold Road)

Boss: Shattered Shard

The name Nonungalo roughly translates to "place where few have lived." This could be because the site was reserved for elite members of Ayleid society, or because it was used as a sacred burial ground for their dead. Or for some other reason we have yet to ascertain - Legionary Vontus Nirol.

Unfinished Business Side Quest

Self-Preservation Side Quest

Ruinous Evaluation Daily Quest

Nonungalo Delve Map with Skyshard and Boss locations ESO

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (28)

Fort Colovia Delve Map

Zone: West Weald (Gold Road)

Boss: Deserter Marius Gallo

Fort Colovia has defended the northern reaches of West Weald since before the rise of the Longhouse Emperors. However, due to recent shortfalls in the Imperial Legion, it currently serves as a training ground for legionary recruits.

The Silent Bell Side Quest

A Calamitous Error Daily Quest

Fort Colovia Delve Map with Skyshard and Boss locations ESO

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (29)

Varen's Watch Delve Map

Zone: West Weald (Gold Road)

Boss: Commander Hanhael

The fort currently known as Varen's Watch has had different names at different times. It sort of just depends on who's in charge at any given moment, I suppose. It was dedicated to Emperor Varen shortly after he claimed the throne - Commandant Salerius of the West Weald Legion.

Cold Fires On The Watch Side Quest - on note inside delve.

Trinkets From The Reach Daily Quest

Varen's Watch Delve Map with Skyshard and Boss locations ESO

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (30)

Legion's Rest Delve Map

Zone: West Weald (Gold Road)

Boss: Gilroy Vassinus

While local caravans use Legion's Rest as a safe haven during their long trips to and from Skingrad, historians note that it was pivotal during the time of Varen's Revolt, acting as a rest stop for the Second Legion - Historian Varinia Scipio.

Spilled Wine Side Quest

Venom Hunt Daily Quest

Legion's Rest Delve Map with Skyshard and Boss locations ESO

To complete a Delve you need to kill a named Boss, you will get Explorer Achievement for that. Additionally, finishing all Delves in a given zone will give you a Necrom Cave Delver Achievement.

Side Quests in West Weald


When The Ground Shook

Pellecia Urgelian

Disaster struck the village of Ostumir. After the ground violently shook, villagers were killed or trapped. A Wood Elf named Beragon started rescue efforts while searching for his friend, Greenspeaker Sorilen. I agreed to help him rescue survivors.

A villager fleeing Ostumir told me to find Beragon in a camp on the northern road out of the village. I should find the camp and talk to Beragon.


The Missing Cohort


A cohort of Imperial Legionaries under the command of Tribune Alea Idolus have disappeared. They were supposed to guard Rustwall, but now the entire estate appears deserted. I agreed to help in the search.

I need to speak to Tribune Alea Idolus to begin my search for the missing legionaries. I can find her in the Rustwall Estate's courtyard. I should head there now.


Flocking Together

Note on the ground

I found a note from a trapper named Marcien in the wilderness, along with an old snared guzzard. The note says if I deliver the guzzard to Star-Gazer Sariyaah in Ontus, I'll be rewarded.

I should gather the old guzzard from Marcien's trap and bring it to Star-Gazer Sariyaah.


Seeking Armistice


Goblins in West Weald are getting ready to go to war. Fearing for their lives, the local farmers want to hire hunters to take care of the Goblins, but others are looking for a way to stop the war and save the Goblins.

Pim said that one of the Bitterfish camps was nearby. That's where we should start our investigation into what has the Goblins so up in arms.


Found Family

Note on the ground

I found a note from a trapper near a snared wormmouth called Versidue. The note says if I return Versidue to Star-Gazer Sariyaah in Ontus, I'll be rewarded.

I gathered Versidue from the trapper's snare. I should finish the job and return it to Star-Gazer Sariyaah for payment.


The Voice Of The Village

Laeni in Vashabar

I met two young Wood Elves near Vashabar, Laeni and Clendagal. They want to marry, but their fathers are unwilling to give permission. They asked for my help to leave town and start a new life.

Laeni asked me to speak to her Aunt Ciiril. Ciiril might be willing to help the couple start a new life away from Vashabar. I should be able to find her at the beer garden in the village.


Hold The Line

Tribune Alea Idolus near Feldagard Keep

I met Tribune Alea Idolus on her way to assist in the defense of Feldagard Keep. A Daedric army has laid siege to the Imperial Legion there. She thinks the legionaries there need any help they can get. I agreed to join the fight for the keep.

Tribune Alea Idolus wants to survey the attack before deciding on a plan. She told me of an overlook near the entrance where a marketplace is often held. I should go to the overlook with her.


The Many Paths

Leramil the Wise near The Outcast Inn

Leramil the Wise claims that the threads of fate have formed a dangerous tangle around the Outcast Inn. She's blocked from entering by her own ability to perceive the threads. I agreed to go inside, find the tangle's source, and end the threat.

Leramil can't get any closer to the inn because of the pain the tangle she perceives inflicts on her heightened senses. I should be able to cross the barrier formed by the tangle and get inside.


Another Death In Ontus

"Constable Seeks Deputy" Note near Wayshrine

I came across a job posting for a deputy to assist newly appointed Constable Yabren in the investigation of suspicious deaths in the town of Ontus.

I should seek out Constable Yabren in the graveyard outside the town of Ontus if I'm interested in the job.

  • Talk to Constable Yabren




I met Belienne, a sorceress whose experiments with Daedric magic shattered her personality into multiple facets. I agreed to help her track down these facets and convince them to merge back with her.

Belienne asked me to look for the facet of her despair near a river south of Skingrad.

  • Search for Belienne's Despair


Where There's A Will

Aquilia Verres near Weatherleah Estate

Mizzik Thunderboots is helping execute the will of the late Lady Weatherleah. A cryptic will and family secrets lead him to suspect foul play, but he needs my help in uncovering the truth and resolving ownership of the inheritance.

Aquilia Verres informed me that her late aunt's will is missing and that I should speak to Mizzik Thunderboots if I wish to help.

  • Talk to Mizzik Thunderboots


Ayleid Altercations

Elfbetta the Shy near Wendir

Elfbetta asked me to help Narsis Dren recover the Ayleid treasure from the ruins of Wendir.

Help Narsis Dren recover the Emblem of the Last King.

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (31)

Youtube: Wendir Puzzle Walkthrough for Ayleid Altercations - ESO

YouTube: Wendir Puzzle Walkthrough for Ayleid Altercations - ESO


Vesper Valente

Fennorian near Valente Vineyards and Winery

Fennorian, a vampire of House Ravenwatch, asked me to help investigate a suspicious auction for a wine called Vesper Valente hosted by Gallio Valente at the Valente Vineyards and Winery.

Fennorian wants to start our investigation on the grounds of the estate. I should help him search the vineyard.


The Deserter

Captain Dartorius on the road

I encountered an injured Legionary, Captain Dartorius. I agreed to find out what happened to her squadron after they ran into Daedra and one of her own soldiers attacked her.

Captain Dartorius said she ordered her legionaries to retreat to Fort Hastrel. I should head there and see if I can determine what happened to Legionary Ulrath and the rest of the squadron.

  • Locate Legionary Ulrath and the Legion Squadron


Terror of the Weald

Maerenah near Sutch.

A gang of vampires led by Balandrus, the Terror of the Weald, has taken control of the town of Sutch.

Maerenah, a cured vampire and former member of the gang, needs help restoring peace to the town and putting an end to the Terror.


Faded Scarlets

Hooke in Skingard City

Hooke, an ex-thief, believes someone is murdering members of his old gang, the Scarlets. He asked me to help him find the remaining Scarlets and protect them from the killer.

Hooke asked me to find three old members of his gang and convince them to meet him at the Skingrad Outlaws Refuge.

  • Recruit Big Urm
  • Recruit Fallen-Knives
  • Recruit Valenia


Burnt Biscuits

Legionary Luther NW of Wildburn's Edge Wayshrine

While traveling across West Weald I encountered a legionary in the service of Calantius, the Count of Skingrad. He says that the count's pet bear cub, Burnbiscuit, has gone missing. I agreed to help him recover the bear cub.

I should search for the bear cub, starting at the site of the attack.

  • Investigate the Site of the Attack


Mini Menagerie

Trapper's Note on the ground

I found a note from a trapper named Marcien in the wilderness, along with a snared adolescent guzzard. According to the note, if I deliver the guzzard to Star-Gazer Sariyaah in Ontus, I'll be rewarded.

I gathered the adolescent guzzard from the trap. I should finish the job and bring it to Star-Gazer Sariyaah for payment.

  • Find Star-Gazer Sariyaah


Tracking The Trapper

Star-Gazer Sariyaah in Ontus

First you have to finish:

  • Flocking Together Side Quest (03)
  • Found Family Side Quest (05)
  • Mini Menagerie Side Quest (18)

Star-Gazer Sariyaah asked me to look for Trapper Marcien to find out why they never returned.

Sariyaah said Trapper Marcien's camp is to the north of Ontus. I should travel there and see what I can learn.

  • Find Trapper Marcien's Camp


A Matter Of Propriety (Delve)

Grander Nemarcet near Fyrelight Cave

Grander Nemarcet was robbed of his dowry by a brigand and her pack of beasts. He asked me to retrieve his stolen belongings so he can finalize his marriage.

I should search Fyrelight Cave and retrieve what I can of Grander's stolen dowry.


Unfinished Business (Delve)

Priest Faric Velain near Nonungalo

I met Faric Velain, a priest of Arkay, investigating the ruins of Nonungalo. He believes a group of undead necromancers are performing a ritual inside and asked me to help him stop it.

I need to enter Nonungalo to stop the necrotic ritual by removing the ritual items from the ruins and burning the bodies fueling the spell. The dead necromancer outside the ruins left behind a journal which may hold some clues.


Spilled Wine (Delve)

Orissa Dellinoi near Legion's Rest

Orissa Dellinoi's caravan was transporting a rare and expensive wine when it was attacked by rogues in Legion's Rest. She asked for my help in retrieving her stolen wine and finding her loyal companion, Lazen.

I should search Legion's Rest with Orissa Dellinoi for Lazen and the stolen Blue Aedral.

  • Find Lazen
  • Find Blue Aedral
  • Look for Evidence


The Silent Bell (Delve)

Legionary Calvo Dorso near Fort Colovia

A band of deserters have taken control of Fort Colovia and driven out the small Legion cohort of raw recruits. Captain Dromius wants me to take Legionary Calvo back inside and ring the warning bell to alert the rest of the Legion to the danger.

I need to enter Fort Colovia through the side passage so I can find the communique, the bell tower key, and the cohort payroll.

  • Enter the Side Passage


Cold Fires On The Watch (Delve)

Note inside Varen's Watch Delve

I found a dead legionary inside Varen's Watch. She held a scroll that ordered her to ignite the signal fires atop its towers and walls to call for reinforcements. I should finish the job.

The scroll marked four locations inside the Watch where the signal fires must be ignited. I should find and ignite them to alert the Legion.

  • Ignite the Signal Fires


Appointed Executor

Haldain's Journal Note near body.

I found a journal next to the corpse of an Imperial called Haldain. Haldain's last wish was for someone to bring his belongings to his sister in Skingrad.

Haldain's journal said that his belongings can be found at his workbench nearby. I should take them.


Caught in a Trap (Public Dungeon)

Grimmer near Leftwheal Trading Post Public Dungeon

Leftwheal Trading Post has fallen victim to an attack from within driven by shining beasts and cultists. Baroness Eliana Cossa has requested help in rescuing her citizens and ending the invasion.

Grimmer flagged me down requesting aid on behalf of Leftwheal. I should find the town's leader, Baroness Eliana Cossa, to get a grasp on the situation.

  • Enter Leftwheal Trading Post


Death and Titans (Public Dungeon)

Toutis Mido near Silorn Public Dungeon

I met Toutis Mido ouside the Ayleid ruins of Silorn. I agreed to help him recover Aetherial shards from the ruins, which are overrun with minotaurs and necromancers, by using a device called the Aetherial alarum.

Toutis gave me a tool called an Aetherial alarum and told me he'll show me how to use it to retrieve the shards once we're inside Silorn. I should lead the way.

  • Enter Silorn


Aiding The Expedition (Lucent Citadel Trial)

Valaria Calidius

An Imperial named Valaria Calidius was a part of an expedition to the Lucent Citadel. She said they were attacked and need help.

Valaria Calidius said that someone named Neletai would know what happened to the expedition and their attackers. I should find Neletai and talk to her.

Room to Spare

I learned of a free inn room being offered to a tenant of good reputation. I should seek out the broker in order to ask for more information about this amazing deal.

The Second Era Of Scribing (Scribing)

You have this quest from the beginning of the story

Votary Nahlia, a Knight in the Order of the Lamp, is exploring some kind of magical anomaly. She's requested assistance through the Mages Guild to investigate this source of unknown and untamed power.

I should seek out Adept Irnard to learn more about this magical anomaly and the Votary's call for aid. He should be at the location marked on my map.

Daily Quests in West Weald

Commandant Salerius (Delve Quests)

Venom Hunt

Legion's Rest Delve - Repeatable

Commandant Salerius asked me to enter Legion's Rest and gather venom crystals from the crystaljack wasps nesting there.

I should enter Legion's Rest so I can look for crystaljack venom crystals.

Trinkets From The Reach

Varen's Watch Delve - Repeatable

Commandant Salerius tasked me to enter Varen's Watch and gather Reachfolk trinkets left there after battles with Varen Aquilarios's forces during his uprising to claim the Ruby Throne.

I need to enter Varen's Watch and look for these rubble piles.

Ruinous Evaluation

Nonungalo Delve - Repeatable

Commandant Salerius hired me to enter the ruins of Nonungalo and determine the structural stability of the ruin, look for signs of Ayleid hauntings, and locate any dangers. He gave me a journal to record my findings.

I should enter Nonungalo so I can begin my investigation of the ruins.

Loan Recall

Haldain Lumber Camp Delve - Repeatable

Commandant Salerius of the Imperial Legion of West Weald hired me to retrieve tool packs on loan to the Haldain Lumber Camp.

I need to go to the Haldain Lumber Camp south of Skingrad and recover Legion tool packs loaned to the camp workers while they awaited the arrival of their own supplies.

A Study in Tharriker

Fyrelight Cave Delve - Repeatable

Commandant Salerius asked me to investigate Fyrelight Cave to see if the tharriker have established dens and are laying eggs. He wants to learn as much as possible about the newly arrived creatures.

A Calamitous Error

Fort Colovia Delve - Repeatable

Commandant Salerius wants me to go to Fort Colovia and burn crates full of misprinted invitations before Count Calantius becomes aware of the derisive error.

I should travel to Fort Colovia and find a way inside.

Lieutenant Agrance (Group Boss Quests)

Spinning Out


Spinner Urthrendir of the Recollection is enacting a strange ritual in the newly grown jungle. I agreed to stop him and burn the mushrooms providing power to his spell.

I need to find and defeat Spinner Urthrendir in the forest overgrowth of Fall's Glade, which lies southwest of Skingrad. I should also burn any mushrooms growing in the glade to disrupt his ritual.



I agreed to gather allies and head to the far north of Skingrad to dispatch a Daedra called Stri the Fate-Eater and recover the armaments of the legionaries originally sent to deal with the creature.

Recollection Rendezvous


The Legion learned that Recollection leaders are meeting to the west of Skingrad at Frontier's Cradle. I agreed to dispatch the leaders and retrieve any information I find there.

Legionary Jaida Mirrormoor (Incursion Quests)

Mirrormoor Incursion


Daedra from Mirrormoor are launching attacks throughout West Weald. Legionary Jaida hired me to join forces with other adventurers to defeat a Mirrormoor incursion.

I need to find a Mirrormoor incursion and join forces with other adventurers to fight off the attacking Daedra. If I defeat the incursion leader, I can repel the attack.

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (32)

Zone Story Quests in West Weald

Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.

There are 5 Zone Story Quests in West Weald.

Paths of Chaos

Leramil the Wise

West Weald is beset by Daedric incursions and mysterious disturbances. Leramil the Wise fears that an ancient force of chaos is present in this land. I agreed to help her investigate these troubles.

The influence of Ithelia, Daedric Prince of Paths, appears to be causing strange disturbances throughout West Weald. Leramil pinpointed three specific sites I should investigate: Ostumir, Rustwall, and Elenglynn.

  • Investigate Ostumir
  • Investigate Rustwall Estate
  • Investigate Elenglynn

Seeds of Suspicion

Beragon in Beragon's Townhouse

Beragon believes the best way to get to the bottom of West Weald's troubles is to find the source of the wildburn seeds. He thinks that the seed we found can lead us to the Recollection ... or the Recollection can lead us to more seeds.

Beragon wants to start by visiting the Wood Elf town of Vashabar. He hopes to consult with a greenspeaker there about the wildburn seed we found in Ostumir.

  • Go to Vashabar

Relics of the Three Princes

Beragon in Beragon's Townhouse

Recollection forces search Ayleid ruins while their Daedric allies continue to harry West Weald forces. Meanwhile, Ithelia remains hidden. I agreed to help Beragon learn more about our enemy's true plans.

Beragon told me Leramil the Wise requested my help at a place called the Outcast Inn. I should investigate, and then return to Skingrad to check in with Beragon.

  • Investigate the Outcast Inn

King Nantharion's Gambit

Beragon believes King Nantharion is using the Staff of Many Paths to prepare a new wildburn that will destroy Skingrad and cover the entire West Weald in forest. He thinks we can use the Skein of Secrets to find Nantharion, then we can stop him.

Beragon wants me to use the Skein of Secrets so I can see the locations where he thinks King Nantharion has been using the Staff of Many Paths.

  • Use the Skein of Secrets

The Untraveled Road

Shardmarshal Vargas's Mirrormoor forces still threaten West Weald, but Beragon thinks they're mostly meant to keep us from interfering in whatever Ithelia plans to do next. We need to find the Prince and prevent her from destroying our reality.

The Skein of Secrets revealed the location of the Ayleid ruin of Wendir, but we have no idea why. We can only assume that we can pick up Ithelia's trail there, so I need to head to Wendir.

  • Go to Wendir
West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (33)

Youtube: The Untraveled Road Story Quest Puzzle - Open the Portal - ESO

YouTube: The Untraveled Road Story Quest Puzzle - Open the Portal - ESO

Epilogue: Gold Road Storyline

After you finish Necrom and Gold Road storylines.

  • Ithelia's Fury
  • Fate of the Forgotten Prince
  • In Memory Of

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (34)

Skyshards Location in West Weald

Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities, check All Skyshards Location.

In Gold Road Chapter there are 18 Skyshards in West Weald.

Telvanni Peninsula Skyshards

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (35)

West Weald Skyshards Skyshards Location Map

West Weald Skyshards Location Map for ESO

Disciver 18 West Weald Skyshards

  • NW of Wildburn's Edge Wayshrine - On the steps of a vineyard near wildburn's edge.
  • Pass Varen's Watch Delve - Outside the grate upriver of Varen's Watch.
  • East of Skingrad - Overlooking the gorge beneath the Skingrad castle bridge.
  • East of Vashabar - Atop an overgrown citadel caught in Vashabar's bloom.
  • SW of Ostumir - Where Ayleids once looked down upon the river Strid.
  • NE of Centurion's Rise - Gazing down upon wheat fields from Centurion's Rise.
  • Over Rock Bottom Caverns - Up top on Rock Bottom.
  • SE of LeftwhealIn the rubble of a collapsed mine in sight of Leftwheal.
  • Near Deserter's Lagoon Wedged in a stump at Deserter's Lagoon.
  • North of Eaglerock Ruins Tucked in a cave amid the wildburn beyond Hoperoot.
  • Public Dungeon - Resting on Silorn treasures down a blind alley in the north.
  • Public Dungeon - In the maw of a mighty skull. Look up in Leftwheal.
  • Delve - On a platform overlooking the Legion's Rest central cavern.
  • Delve - On a wildgrown bridge high above a Fyrelight stream.
  • Delve - Displayed at a crossroads in Nonungalo's ancient maze.
  • Delve - Carted to the top of the battlements at Fort Colovia.
  • Delve - South at Haldain Lumber Camp, beneath Ayleid boughs.
  • Delve - Pulled to a tower's top on the north bank of Varen's Watch.

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (36)

Points of Interest in West Weald

Points of Interest are self-contained stories, Quest Hubs that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.

There are 10 Points of Interest in West Weald, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.

West Weald Points of Interest

  • Skingrad - main city of West Weald.
  • Vashabar - Help a pair of young lovers start a new life.
  • Rustwall Estate - Help Tribune Alea Idolus find the missing legionaries.
  • The Outcast Inn - Learn why the threads of fate around the inn are tangled.
  • Feldagard Keep - Help defend the keep against a Daedric army. In addition to defending the major roads to the north and east, its proximity to the devastated area and the new forest make it integral to the protection of the Weald heartland
  • Ontus - Help Constable Yabren investigate suspicious deaths in town.
  • Weatherleah Estate - Help investigate the mysterious death of Lady Weatherleah. "The estate grounds used to be the jewel of West Weald. It's unfortunate what happened to Lady Weatherleah's son. He was such a bright light, but the least she could do is keep up appearances"- Innkeeper Brynmir.
  • Valente Vineyards - Help Fennorian investigate a suspicious wine auction.
  • Sutch - Help save the town and defeat the Terror of the Weald.
  • Ostumir - Help Beragon rescue villagers and find his friend.
  • Wendir - Help Narsis Dren recover the Emblem of the Last King.

Other locations in West Weald

  • Essondul - "You can't throw a brick in Colovia without hitting some Ayleid ruin or another. And it seems like more appear every day. Like that one they're calling Essondul. No one knew it existed until that jungle grew. Then, up it pops from the ground like a jackrabbit." - Legionary Stefan Murrius
  • Rustwall Catacombs - Generations of Colovian families rest in the stone halls of Rustwall's catacombs. Ownership of the estate changed hands many times over the years, but each sale came with the same requirement-don't disturb the dead. It's unknown whether this is due to sentiment or for more practical concerns.
  • Elenglynn - Elenglynn? An Ayleid ruin, most likely a temple or monastery. As you can see, little remains above ground. The vaults below are more extensive, or so I have read.
  • Niryastare - The deep vaults of the Ayleid ruin of Niryastare are said to hide a long-lost treasure, sealed away by the magic of a great welkynd stone. For centuries, adventurers have come to test their luck to no avail- Legionary Stefan Murrius.
  • Hastrel Hollow
  • Hoperoot - A living settlement growing from the foothills of the Colovian Highlands, Hoperoot is the latest expansion in Dawnwood by King Nantharion and the Wood Elf village of Vashabar.
  • Sutch Mine - "The mine is the lifeblood of the town. Tall Papa, do miners love to drink! Keeps me in business, so I hope that mine never runs barren!" - Tham, proprietor of Tham's Tavern in Sutch
  • Broken Promises Cave
  • Bitterfish Tribe
  • Sharp Tooth Camp
  • Beragon's Townhouse
  • Caelum Cellars
  • Carvain Ranch

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (37)

Lucent Citadel 12-person Trial in West Weald

Lucent Citadel 12-person Group Trial in West Weald - The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road Chapter

Help Keshargo unravel the Arcane Knot in the Lucent Citadel.

Party up for an all-new 12-player PvE Trial, Lucent Citadel. Explore a long-forgotten Daedric vault, located within the otherworldly wastes of Fargrave, in search of the mysterious Reanimating Crux.

Work together to survive challenging monsters and boss encounters, claim its rewards, and rise to the top of the leaderboards.

There are two difficulty modes available for Lucent Citadel: Normal and Veteran. Players of any level can access Normal mode. Veteran mode unlocks when you reach level 50. Veteran mode is much more challenging, but has greater rewards to match the risk!

When you arrive, pick up the quest "The Knot Awaits" from Keshargo. This quest is repeatable, so you can experience Lucent Citadel as often as you like. But remember, you can only receive the rewards from this quest once per week.

Players can compete for fame and glory on the Trials Leaderboards.

Trial Sets from Lucent Citadel in West Weald

Light Set: Mora Scribe’s Thesis

  • (2 items) Adds 657 Critical Chance
  • (3 items) Gain Minor Slayer at all times, increasing your damage done to Dungeon, Trial, and Arena Monsters by 5%.
  • (4 items) Adds 1096 Max Magicka
  • (5 items) (Perfected only) – Adds 657 Critical Chance
  • (5 items) Increase your Critical Chance by 128 for every Major Buff active on you, up to 1536 Critical Chance. Increase your Critical Damage done by 1% for every Minor Buff active on you, up to 12% Critical Damage done.

Medium Set: Slivers of the Null Arca

  • (2 items) Adds 657 Critical Chance
  • (3 items) Gain Minor Slayer at all times, increasing your damage done to Dungeon, Trial, and Arena Monsters by 5%.
  • (4 items) Adds 657 Critical Chance
  • (5 items) (Perfected only) – Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
  • (5 items) Dealing Critical Damage gives you a stack of Sliver for 10 seconds. You can only gain one stack of Sliver every 0.5 seconds. When you gain your third stack, the stacks are consumed and the crystals launch at the last enemy you damaged, dealing 3063 Physical Damage. This damage scales off your Weapon or Spell Damage. Once you launch the crystals, you cannot gain Sliver for 5 seconds.

Light Set: Xoryn’s Masterpiece

  • (2 items) Adds 1096 Max Magicka
  • (3 items) Gain Minor Aegis at all times, reducing your damage taken from Dungeon, Trial, and Arena Monsters by 5%.
  • (4 items) Adds 129 Magicka Recovery
  • (5 items) (Perfected only) – Adds 1096 Max Magicka
  • (5 items) Increases your Max Magicka and Max Stamina by 1667 for you and up to 11 other group members within 28 meters of you. This bonus persists through death.

Heavy Set: Lucent Echoes

  • (2 items) Adds 4% Healing Taken
  • (3 items) Gain Minor Aegis at all times, reducing your damage taken from Dungeon, Trial, and Arena Monsters by 5%.
  • (4 items) Adds 1206 Max Health
  • (5 items) (Perfected only) – Adds 1206 Max Health
  • (5 items) While you have more than 50% Health, increase the Critical Damage and Healing of your group members by 11%. Group members wearing Lucent Echoes cannot benefit from this effect. While you have 50% or less Health, reduce your Damage Taken from monsters by 20%.

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (38)

Wayshrines in West Weald

Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.

There are 14 Wayshrines in West Weald, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.

  • Skingrad City Wayshrine
  • Skingrad Vineyards Wayshrine
  • Vashabar Wayshrine
  • Ontus Wayshrine
  • Sutch Wayshrine
  • North Hook Wayshrine
  • Trader's Luck Wayshrine
  • Fall's Path Wayshrine
  • Wildburn's Edge Wayshrine
  • Ostumir Wayshrine
  • Centurion's Watch Wayshrine
  • Valente Vineyards Wayshrine
  • Feldagard Keep Wayshrine
  • Three Points Wayshrine

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (39)

Crafting Set Stations in West Weald

Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.

There are 3 Crafting Set Stations in West Weald.

Tharriker’s Strike Set

In Singer's Outpost Crafting Set Station (need 3 traits).

  • (2 items) Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
  • (3 items) Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
  • (4 items) Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
  • (5 items) Dealing damage with a fully-charged Heavy Attack grants you Major Berserk for 4 seconds, increasing your damage done by 10%. This effect can occur once every 1 second.

Highland Sentinel

In Leftwheal Grainery Crafting Set Station (need 5 traits).

  • (2 items) Adds 657 Critical Chance
  • (3 items) Adds 657 Critical Chance
  • (4 items) Adds 657 Critical Chance
  • (5 items) While in combat, each second you stand still grants you a stack of Sentinel's Eye every 1 second, up to 10 stacks. Each stack increases your Critical Chance by 468. Each second you move removes half of your stacks of Sentinel's Eye, rounded up. Exiting combat removes all stacks of Sentinel's Eye. Using charge and teleport abilities do not remove stacks of Sentinel's Eye.

Threads of War Set

In Deserter's Lagoon Crafting Set Station (need 7 traits).

  • (2 items) Adds 1280 Offensive Penetration
  • (3 items) Adds 111 Weapon and Spell Damage
  • (4 items) Adds 565 Critical Chance
  • (5 items) Your Light and fully-charged Heavy Attacks gain 100% Status Effect Chance. The Status Effect is based on the damage type of your weapon.

Overland Sets in West Weald

Light Set: Symmetry of the Weald

  • (2 items) Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
  • (3 items) Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
  • (4 items) Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
  • (5 items) Adds 200% Status Effect Chance while your Health is above 50%. Adds 10% Healing Done while your Health is 50% or less.

Medium Set: Macabre Vintage

  • (2 items) Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
  • (3 items) Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
  • (4 items) Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
  • (5 items) Adds 150 Weapon and Spell Damage
  • (5 items) When you kill a monster they burst with blood magic, dealing 50% of their Max Health to enemies within 6 meters as Bleed Damage, up to 24096 Bleed Damage. This damage cannot critically strike. This effect can occur once every 0.5 seconds.

Heavy Set: Ayleid Rufuge

  • (2 items) Adds 1096 Max Stamina
  • (3 items) Adds 1206 Max Health
  • (4 items) Adds 1206 Max Health
  • (5 items) Blocking an attack reduces your Damage Taken by 11% for 3 seconds.

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (40)

West Weald Treasure Maps

Treasure Maps can be found in game as a loot or can be obtained with the Pre-Purchase. Each map shows a place where you can dig up a treasure chest. You can only do this if you have a map.

West Weald Pre-Purchase Treasure Map I Chest Location

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (41)

Youtube: West Weald Pre-Purchase Treasure Map I Chest Location - ESO

YouTube: West Weald Pre-Purchase Treasure Map I Chest Location - ESO

West Weald Pre-Purchase Treasure Map II Chest Location

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (42)

Youtube: West Weald Pre-Purchase Treasure Map II Chest Location - ESO

YouTube: West Weald Pre-Purchase Treasure Map II Chest Location - ESO

West Weald Pre-Purchase Treasure Map III Chest Location

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (43)

Youtube: West Weald Pre-Purchase Treasure Map III Chest Location - ESO

YouTube: West Weald Pre-Purchase Treasure Map III Chest Location - ESO

West Weald Treasure Map I - ESO

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (44)

Youtube: West Weald Treasure Map I Chest Location - ESO

YouTube: West Weald Treasure Map I Chest Location - ESO

West Weald Treasure Map II - ESO

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (45)

Youtube: West Weald Treasure Map II Chest Location - ESO

YouTube: West Weald Treasure Map II Chest Location - ESO

West Weald Treasure Map III - ESO

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (46)

Youtube: West Weald Treasure Map III Chest Location - ESO

YouTube: West Weald Treasure Map III Chest Location - ESO

West Weald Treasure Map IV - ESO

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (47)

Youtube: West Weald Treasure Map IV Chest Location - ESO

YouTube: West Weald Treasure Map IV Chest Location - ESO

West Weald Treasure Map V - ESO

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (48)

Youtube: West Weald Treasure Map V Chest Location - ESO

YouTube: West Weald Treasure Map V Chest Location - ESO

West Weald Treasure Map V - ESO

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (49)

Youtube: West Weald Treasure Map VI Chest Location - ESO

YouTube: West Weald Treasure Map VI Chest Location - ESO

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (50)

World Bosses in West Weald

World Bosses (Group Bosses) are powerful elite encounters, to defeat them you will generally need the help of other players. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.

There are 6 World Bosses in West Weald.

Wood Elf Spinner Urthrendir

Fall's Glade

Spinner Urthrendir of the Recollection is enacting a strange ritual in the newly grown jungle. I agreed to stop him and burn the mushrooms providing power to his spell.


Lake Olo

Oakenclaw, a powerful aggression of root, has taken control of Lake Olo to the east of Skingrad, putting its citizens in danger. I agreed to slay Oakenclaw and place bulletins warning passersby of the threat.

Hessedaz the Baleful

Fortune's Bluff

A powerful Daedra called Hessedaz the Baleful prowls the bluffs southeast of Skingrad. I agreed to defeat the creature and recharge the sentry spheres in the area.


Centurion's Rise

Defeat the tharriker called Thorntooth in Centurion's Rise.

Stri the Fate-Eater

Broken Path Cave

I agreed to gather allies and head to the far north of Skingrad to dispatch a Daedra called Stri the Fate-Eater and recover the armaments of the legionaries originally sent to deal with the creature.

Recollection Leaders

Frontier's Cradle

The Legion learned that Recollection leaders are meeting to the west of Skingrad at Frontier's Cradle. I agreed to dispatch the leaders and retrieve any information I find there.

West Weald Map - Gold Road - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (2024)


How to farm gold quickly in ESO? ›

A good way to farm these sets and get additional gear and gold is to farm chests. Use the Harvest Map addon and filter the map to only show chests on the map and you can simply run from chest to chest. PvP can actually be a good source for gold. Simply trade your Alliance Points for items that you can sell for gold.

Is ESO map accurate? ›

The map is not lore accurate, this was even admitted to by the then-loremaster, Lawrence Schick, in an interview.

Is gold important in eso? ›

In the game of The Elder Scrolls Online, gold serves as a valuable currency that players can utilize to buy a wide range of items and services. The way you choose to spend your gold in the game depends on your individual playstyle and goals.

Where on the map is High Isle eso? ›

On the very far left of the world map, west of Glenumbra, players can just about make out the small island that is High Isle (and Amenos).

What is the fastest way to get gold in RDRO? ›

Daily Challenges Are A Long-term Gold Investment In Red Dead
  1. Skinning geese.
  2. Collecting arrowheads.
  3. Taking down bounty targets with bolas.
  4. Finding lost jewelry.
  5. Selling moonshine while keeping bottles intact.
  6. Donating animal carcasses.
  7. Completing a bounty without killing an enemy or the target.

Is ESO map bigger than Skyrim? ›

While new zones are constantly being added with new content like the Gates of Oblivion expansion, the total world size of The Elder Scrolls Online is roughly 400 kilometers squared, making it one of the biggest Elder Scrolls games to date. In comparison, Skyrim's map is only around 37 kilometers squared.

Does your build matter in eso? ›

Understanding ESO builds is important because they play a critical role in determining how effective a character will be in combat. Without a well-built character, players may struggle to progress through the game's content and compete with other players in PvP combat.

What are the least popular zones in eso? ›

What is the least populated zone 115 votes
  • Gold Coast. 7% 9 votes.
  • Hew's Bane. 13% 16 votes.
  • Wrothgar. 2% 3 votes.
  • Vvardenfell. 3% 4 votes.
  • Later Base Game zones (specify which) 16% 19 votes.
  • The Reach. 3% 4 votes.
  • Deadlands/Fargrave. 2% 3 votes.
  • Clockwork City. 11% 13 votes.
Apr 12, 2022

How do you get coins fast in eso? ›

  1. Questing and Farming. Completing quests is a great way to make gold and other valuable rewards in ESO. ...
  2. Crafting. Becoming a master crafter can be a profitable way to make money in ESO. ...
  3. Trading. ...
  4. Daily Quests. ...
  5. Guild Traders. ...
  6. Farming Sets. ...
  7. Stealing and Selling. ...
  8. Conclusion.
Apr 20, 2023

How do you dig up gold leads in eso? ›

Dig in single points inside the square with aim to flatten the top of 3x3 space, make it same level. Use 3x3 shovel to dig whole square quickly. Continue with single points inside it only if you still need to level the top. If the top is level then start leveling top of nearby 3x3 square.

How do you get gold fast in big farm? ›

If you build one and run 3 Gold Flower crops, you will get 450 extra gold and come out 100 gold ahead. If you put a fertile field in during a 50% off sale and do 10 bags of gold flowers, you get an extra 1325 gold.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.