7 Simple Steps to Learn UX Design [Beginner's Guide] (2024)

So you want to learn UX design. This guide will give you a simple starting point for your learning.

UX is an exciting field to explore, even if the idea of starting a career in the field can be a bit daunting, especially if you don’t have any UX design experience. In the world of UX design, there’s so much to learn and take in! The idea of going from complete novice to professional seems impossible. Surely you need some kind of design background? Or at least a vaguely relevant design qualification?

Actually, you don’t. Anyone can become a UX designerregardless of previous experience or current career. And you don’t need a university degree to succeed in this field!

In fact, it seems that no two UX designers have the same background: just look at Claire, a former nurse, or Kaya, who retrained at thirty after traveling the globe.

The biggest challenge is knowing where to start. The internet is a wealth of resources, but it’s important to structure your journey logically. Before you get lost down a UX rabbit hole, take a look at our 7-step guide to getting started:

1.Read and research all things UX
2.Understand what UX designers actually do
3. Learn UX design tools
4. Structure and formalize your learning with a UX design course or bootcamp
5.Get inspired by the best designers
6. Build your UX portfolio
7.Start networking with other UX designers

Before we dive in, here’s a brief introduction from CareerFoundry’s Head of Career Services (and an experienced career coach), Mike McCullochhe’ll give you an overview of what UX design is all about, what employers look for in a UX designer, and how to break into the field:

1. Read and research all things UX

UX design is such a broad field, so gather your resources and prepare to do some serious background research.

First, make sure you know exactly what user experience design is: if you had to describe it in one sentence off the top of your head, what would you say? Understand the difference between UX and UI design, and the role that UX plays in business.

It’s also important to research the UX design job market. Scour job portals such as Indeed to see what kinds of UX roles are available in your areaand the skills and qualities they require. This should also give you an idea of salary ranges you can expect. For a deeper dive into the salary side of things, check out our full UX designer salary guide.

At this stage, it’s all about getting an overview of the industry. Immerse yourself in UX design blogs and pick up a book or twowe recommend starting with The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman.

The more you read and research, the more sure you can be that UX design is right for you. For a simpler start, take a free UX design micro course to get an easy introduction to the field!

2. Understand what UX designers actually do

Now you know what the industry is all about, you can start to drill down to specifics. Next up is the question: What do UX designers actually do?

From your research, you’ll know that UX design is about solving problems. There’s a specific process UX designers follow to go about finding creative, innovative solutions to design problems. It’s call thedesign thinking process. There are five steps to this process. Here’s an overview:

7 Simple Steps to Learn UX Design [Beginner's Guide] (1)

The very first step in the process is to identify the user problem for which you’ll be designing. At this point, you’ll focus on building empathy for the target user, carrying out polls and surveys, and creating problem statements.

Once you’ve defined the problem, you’ll move on to the ideation phase. This is where the creativity beginssketching ideas on paper, turning them into wireframes and, eventually, prototypes.

After several rounds of user testing, you’ll take your final design to the development stage. Having finalized your wireframe, you’ll hand it over to a UI designer, who’ll turn it into a high-fidelity wireframe ready for the development team.

Of course, every designer works differently, but this should give you an idea of the overall process. Once you start working on your own projects, you’ll no doubt develop your own way of doing thingsand this includes finding your favourite tools. Which brings us to step number three.

If you’re interested in a remote career, make sure you understand the unique perks and challenges of working as a remote UX designer.

As a UX designer, you’ll rely heavily on tools, so start by familiarizing yourself with the essentials. Again, the toolset will vary from designer to designerbut you’ll definitely need tools for the following:

  • User research:Survey and polling tools such as SurveyMonkey and Typeform, as well as user research platforms
  • Wireframing: Sketch, Balsamiq, Wireframe.cc, Figma, and many more. Check out our guide to free wireframing tools.
  • Prototyping: InVision, Sketch, and more. Check out our guide to the best prototyping tools for UX designers.

These are just a few examples; you’ll also work with project management tools and communication platformsbut these are the ones that are specific to the design process, making them a good place to start. Wherever possible, sign up for a free account and just play around with the tool’s functions and features. Once you’ve got the basics, it’s also worth watching some video tutorials.

In addition to the tools mentioned previously, check out this round-up of six awesome (and free!) design resources:

It might seem strange to use these tools with no real context, but knowing your way around even just a little bit will make your life much easier once you start working on real design projects!

4. Structure and formalize your learning with a UX design course or bootcamp

7 Simple Steps to Learn UX Design [Beginner's Guide] (2)

So you’ve done your research and you know exactly what UX design is. You’re aware of how UX designers work, and you’ve experimented with some of the most popular industry tools. At this point, we’ll assume you’ve enjoyed the journey so far and want to keep going.

If you’re serious about a career in UX design, the easiest way to make the transition from newbie to pro is through a structured course. Before you start backing away, let’s be clear: you don’t need to go to university or spend years studying. In fact, employers aren’t looking for tons of qualificationsthey just want to see that you’ve mastered the key principles and practical skills.

The right UX design course will take you through the essentials in a logical order and, most importantly, save you from the information overload of the world wide web!

Before choosing a course, be sure to conduct thorough research: can you study flexibly at your own pace? Will you be supported by a mentor and a community of fellow learners? Will you work on real-world projects that build up your portfolio, and is there a job guarantee? For a course that offers all of these things, be sure to check out our UX Design Program.

And if you’re considering a UX design internship, here’s a guide that will help you decide: Should I Do A UX Design Bootcamp Or A UX Design Internship?

5. Get inspired by the best designers

In addition to studying key UX design principles and methods, you can also work on developing your “designer’s eye.” Surround yourself with inspiration: check out portfolios on sites like bestfolios.com, the Adobe blog and our own UX design portfolio guide to see what other designers are up to. In doing so, you’ll start to think like a UXer and build up your own ideas of what good and bad design look like.

Indeed, inspiration is something you’ll need throughout your UX careernot just when starting out. Keeping an eye on industry trends, following other designers on social media and scouring the internet for fresh ideas will keep the creative juices flowing and continuously broaden your design horizons.

6. Build your UX portfolio

7 Simple Steps to Learn UX Design [Beginner's Guide] (3)

This step is absolutely crucialespecially when you start applying for jobs. Employers want to see what you’re capable of, so a resume alone will not cut it. But how do you fill your portfolio with show-stopping design work if you’re completely new to the field?

One great way to fill up your portfolio is to volunteer. Reach out to non-profit organizations to see if they need help improving their UX, or search the internet for virtual volunteering opportunities. Another option is to fake it til you make itand by fake it we mean, work on made-up projects.

Pretend you are a client and set yourself a design challenge, or pick a random website or app and redesign it. Be sure to document each stage of the process so you can clearly demonstrate how you reached the final design solution. Of course, it’s important to make it clear to potential employers that these are practice projects rather than paid work.

If you study UX with CareerFoundry, you don’t need to worry so much about finding projects for your portfolio. Throughout the course, you’ll work on creating a set of mobile app designsand we’ll also help you publish your portfolio online and create a video demo of your work.

7. Start networking with other UX designers

If you really want to learn UX design, never underestimate the value of your peers. Networking is a constant source of education, and you’ll learn so much about the industry just by chatting to those who know it best.

Local meetups and events are great, but it’s not always feasible to be there in personespecially if you’re working and studying UX at the same time! Fortunately, there are plenty of online communities, from LinkedIn groups and forums to the CareerFoundry community of tutors, mentors and fellow learners! If you’re keen to make some connections online before you start your new career, check out these Top 12 Design Communities for UX/UI Designers and Developers.

So there you have ithow to learn to be a UX designer in seven simple steps. If you fancy a taste of what it might be like to study UX design, take our free 7-day UX design course. What are you waiting for?!

If you want to read more about UX design and how to break into the industry, check out these articles:

  • 7 Best UX design schools (and how to choose one)
  • Graphic design to UX: The ultimate career change guide
  • The difference between UX and UI design
7 Simple Steps to Learn UX Design [Beginner's Guide] (2024)


What is the rule of 7 in UX design? ›

Miller's Law in UX Design

It was first described in the famous 1956 article “The magical number seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing information” and theorizes that people can hold up to seven objects in their working memory.

How to learn UX design for beginners? ›

Now, let's see how can you get those benefits.
  1. Step 1: Learn the fundamentals of UX Design. ...
  2. Step 2: Develop a Designer's Eye. ...
  3. Step 3: Deep-dive into the right softwares. ...
  4. Step 4: Start with a short course/watch tutorials. ...
  5. Step 5: Build a Kickass Portfolio. ...
  6. Step 6: Socialise Your Skills. ...
  7. Step 7: Get the Real-World Experience.
Jan 6, 2023

Can I self teach UX design? ›

No matter your current skill level, know that you're more than capable of teaching yourself UI/UX design if you're willing to put in the time, effort, and dedication.

What are the basic steps of UX? ›

The 8 Step UX Design Process
  1. Step 1: Define. In the first phase, it's necessary to determine exactly what needs to be created, and why. ...
  2. Step 2: Research. ...
  3. Step 3: Analysis & Planning. ...
  4. Step 4: Design. ...
  5. Step 5: Prototyping. ...
  6. Step 6: Testing. ...
  7. Step 7: Launch. ...
  8. Step 8: Iteration.

What is the 10 second rule in UX? ›

10 seconds is the maximum delay before the user's attention drifts. It's incredibly taxing to stay focused and alert in the absence of activity, but users can keep their attention on the goal for about 10 seconds.

What are the 4 C's of UX? ›

The 4Cs of UX design – Consistency, Continuity, Context and Complementary – are important guides in creating the optimal experience of using a product or service.

Is Google UX certification worth it? ›

The Google UX Design Certification program gets A LOT of things right! The design certificate offers a reputable, high-quality UX curriculum that builds applicable, real-world professional skills that students can use to build a portfolio and immediately make a difference in the tech industry.

What is the average salary of a UI/UX designer? ›

The average salary for Ui\Ux Designer is ₹5,44,000 per year in the India. The average additional cash compensation for a Ui\Ux Designer in the India is ₹44,000, with a range from ₹12,250 - ₹1,00,000. Salaries estimates are based on 2243 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Ui\Ux Designer employees in India.

Am I too old to learn UX design? ›

There are challenges, of course, but you're never too old to become a UX designer. Let's walk through some relevant discussions on how to become a UX designer with no experience even if you're in your 50s right now. The playing field for UX is wide open, and the opportunity is there if you want it.

Which one should I learn first, UI or UX? ›

So, which skill should you learn first? If you're interested in making sure your products look good and are appealing to users, then you should focus on learning UI design first. If you're more interested in making sure your products are effective and easy to use, then you should focus on learning UX design first.

Can I be a UI designer without UX? ›

The short answer is yes, you can learn UI design without delving deeply into UX. However, understanding the relationship between the two can significantly enhance your skills as a designer. Let's explore how you can focus on UI design while appreciating its connection to UX.

How do I start UX design for beginners? ›

UX Design: How to Get Started (A Full Guide)
  1. Do you want a Career in UX?
  2. Learn the Principles of UX Design.
  3. Master a UX Design Tool.
  4. Start Designing and Practice.
  5. Redesign Something Good.
  6. Then Redesign Something Bad.
  7. Check out the UX Guidelines.
  8. Join a Design Community.

What are the 5 principles of UX? ›

What are the most important principles in UX design? User-centricity, consistency, hierarchy, testing, and usability.

What are the 6 concepts every UX designer should know? ›

Concepts like Interaction Design, Information Architecture, Usability, Wireframing, Visual Design, and Functionality are a few fundamentals of UI/UX design. You can make an informed decision about your app or website now that you have understood these UI design concepts.

What are the 7 factor of UX design? ›

The hard part is you have to think of all 7 factors. The good thing is – that it pays off. If you manage to design something useful, usable, findable, credible, desirable, accessible, and valuable… You did all the things right and you have the top-notch product in front of your eyes.

What are the rules of 7 in design? ›

The design rule of seven is a general guideline used in the design industry that suggests limiting the number of items in a grouping to seven or fewer. This rule is based on the idea that humans can only retain and process a limited amount of information at once.

What is the rule of 7 memory? ›

Also called 'Miller's Law' it explains that people can only hold seven plus or minus two items, in their short-term memory at any one time and that the magic number of seven itself is the best for memory recall.

What is the golden rule of UX? ›

Be clear and literal to avoid confusion for your users. Test different ideas to find the appropriate nomenclature when designing a new feature and gain feedback from your users. Provide proper documentation and tooltips throughout a software to educate the user and provide clarity.

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.